ANNA AWARD is an annual contemporary art prize for women-identifying artists from Africa.

“The most powerful and appealing aspect of the ANNA Award is its inclusivity. No age restriction, no formal training, no limits other than pure creativity.”

— Marianne Fassler

Meet the 2022 winners.

Meet the 2022 selection committee
Lerato Nkosi

Lerato won the inaugural Anna Award! Meet Lerato.

"My work employs ink and stamps as a vital, organic, multifaceted material. For me, ink and stamps are mediums that stain and certify with their contact on any surface, these materials are those that never leave a surface the same after being in contact with it. The stamp and ink is always used to verify and ordain documents of importance which grants the holder automatic approval to the decision of others, this process is always handled by an individual of authority.

The teachings from parent to female child is embedded in and never leaves her the same, She is impressionable, with the ideas that whatsoever has been stamped and inked upon her is approved. The medium tempers heavier subjects that deal with the expectations on women. Investigating the medium allows me to overcome daily conundrums and escape the victim mentality."

Sinalo Ngcaba

Audience award goes to Sinalo Ngcaba.

"I've lived around the country and picked up inspiration from all the different cultures I've been surrounded by. This is why I use so much colour and variety in my work as I want to represent what it means to be young, black and female in Africa right now. I would love to use some of the prize money to create a large scale mural together with young girls in my hometown village Mbizana, Eastern Cape. Growing up there, I've always seen a lack of art or access to art and I think experiencing creativity should not be determined by your social economic background. One of my dreams is to have an after school art programme in Mbizana to show not only the young girls and boys but the whole community that creativity and art can help make the world a better place."

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